by tstebbins | Mar 8, 2023
Hot, dusty, high-particulate environments call for robust engineering solutions. We design make up air systems, maintain appropriate temperature and relative humidity, reduce airborne silica loading, and map indoor air health and safety data.
by tstebbins | Mar 8, 2023
HAPs (hazardous air pollutants) at foundries are primarily traced to chemical binder emissions used in mold and core making. Wasmer assists with the selection of sand additives, low carbon process design, energy-reduction strategies and ESG metrics.
by tstebbins | Mar 8, 2023
Wasmer uses simulation-based predictive and prescriptive analytic software for process improvement and has had specific experience doing with in foundries. A foundry does not need to be PLC-controlled to implement IoT solutions nor does data-gathering and analytics...
by tstebbins | Mar 8, 2023
Vibration, relative humidity, high temperatures, atmospheric pressure and VOCs impact equipment functionality and lifespan. Utilizing IoT solutions, Wasmer can help lengthen equipment life and assure its operating most efficiently and effectively.
by tstebbins | Mar 8, 2023
With safety at the pinnacle of decision-making, Wasmer can design a smooth flow of work that heightens throughput. Conveyors and processing equipment is designed to minimize energy, assure safe material handling, promote reliability, and isolate vibration.