About Wasmer.
Wasmer’s value lies in the space between manufacturing operation solutions and our impact on human behavior and outcomes.


of planetary resources

operational cost

and product safety
Wasmer maintains a selective approach in targeting clients and developing long-term partnerships with those that will move us in a position to grow and to attract and retain the best and brightest.
A wrench in one pocket, an iPad in the other.
Wasmer helps manufacturing companies reduce their energy use by adopting a holistic approach of boots-on-the-ground facility assessment and technological solutions. Balancing invaluable on-site immersion with time-efficient technology provides energy efficiency solutions that consider return on investment, lifecycle cost, material flow/throughput, and equipment life.
Wasmer energy-saving services include facility audits, proactive maintenance strategies, voltage balance, water conservation solutions, waste heat recovery, compressed air leak detection and remediation, energy consumption audits, energy balances, energy benchmarking, sales tax and utility bill audits, and carbon reduction strategies.

Smart Business
Wasmer services encompass a wide range of practices and technologies aimed at improving the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of commercial/industrial processes. Our services can bring numerous benefits to your facility which include increasing productivity, reducing costs, and enhancing environmental performance while ensuring the safety of your workers.